Discover the abundance and versatility of fresh, seasonal veggies without spending hours searching for recipes, crossing your fingers that the final result will taste good, and hoping your family will actually eat it! 

This 11 day course is about more than adding a few new recipes to your collection. This is about discovering your unique preferences, learning to analyze flavors and textures, and using this information to create a truly satisfying and nourishing meal. That's what it means to Build a Better Salad.


“I thoroughly enjoyed Mollie's Build A Better Salad class! The online format makes it very accessible, and I learned lots of fun tricks for making my salads more interesting. 5 stars!”

- Isabel

“The Build a Better Salad class was brilliant! I loved Mollie’s genius formulas that made it really easy for me to create delicious, nutritious and creative salads. I finally started using all the veggies in my produce box. Plus the class was just so fun!”

- Cathy

“I enjoyed the course and I feel it gave me sound and practical information in choosing and combining fresh ingredients for building better salads. It raised my consciousness about the availability of fresh whole foods and how to use them on a daily basis.

- Debra 


Salads are quick, easy, and versatile!

5 years ago I transitioned out of a Standard American Diet (SAD). During the first year I ate practically the same thing every night; some meat, mashed potatoes, and whatever frozen veggie I had on hand.

Needless to say, I got BORED!

One night while planning the next week's meals I realized that I couldn't think of a single dinner recipe that didn't focus entirely on the protein.

One trip to the farmers market with an open mind showed me how much abundance, variety, and versatility can be found in veggies!

Salads are a gateway meal to reconnecting with your body and the abundance of the earth.


I'll show you how to tap into your own creativity to turn any ingredient into a delicious, mouthwatering salad so that you can clean up your diet and eliminate processed convenience foods - for good!

This course will help you...

> save money on your grocery bill by using ingredients you already have on hand.

> know how to properly store and prepare salad ingredients so that they stay fresh.

> get a healthy and delicious salad on the dinner table in less than 15 minutes.


I’ve turned years of my own experimentation into a 4 step system that will give you a framework to turn any ingredient into a scrumptious salad.

By the end of this course you will...

> look at any ingredient and know instantly how to best use it in a salad.

> eat dozens of veggies, dozens of different ways.

> create salads your family is actually excited to eat!


All of the practical how-to lessons are paired with mindset and science behind why we love to eat, so that you don’t just learn a few specific recipes, you learn how to tap into your own creativity and desires to create delicious and nourishing food consistently.

Working with more fresh veggies will become a tool to...

> observe and analyze the way food affects your mood, your body, and your mindset.

> eat healthy meals without the pressure of rules and restrictions.

> have more fun cooking with vegetables than you ever thought was possible!

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Module 1

Setting the foundation for the course! We'll cover what a salad is, how making & eating more salads will change your life, basic & advanced equipment, and stocking your pantry. 2 project activities.

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Module 2

It all starts with flavor! We'll cover 3 categories and 6 types of flavors, how they all interact inside a dish, and how they relate to nutrition. 1 project and 3 salad activities.

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Module 3

Explore texture! We'll cover why texture is important, how it relates to mood, the only 3 textures you'll need to know, and knife skills for common and unusual salad ingredients. 1 project and 1 salad activity.

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Module 4

Putting it all together! We'll cover the 4 layers of a salad and the 4 step system. We'll also take a deeper look at base ingredients and making homemade salad dressing. 1 project and 2 salad activities.


> Implementation Activities

Each video lesson comes with a fun, easy activity. Information alone cannot make a difference without implementation and practice.

> Lifetime Access

If you can’t watch all the lessons live, everything will be moved to a permanent website online so that you can access the videos, activities, cheat sheets, or just pop in for a fresh burst of inspiration any time!

> Private Facebook Group.

You'll have access to everything in one place; the video lessons, the activity posts, bonus resources, the community of fellow students sharing ideas, pictures, resources, tips and tricks. Plus I’ll be there, to answer your questions, cheer you on, and ogle all the pictures you post of your delectable creations!


Are you ready to get more than calories out of your food?

11 video lessons - $550 value

Ability to use up ingredients you already have - $400 grocery savings per family member

Feeling inspired and energized by your food - Priceless

Watching your family happily eat a salad and ask for seconds - Incalculable

You have to eat three times a day, 7 days a week, for the rest of your life. Consider this an investment in your next 21,900 meals.


What's wrong with the salads I already eat?

- There's a good chance that you eat the same salad all the time. Maybe you have a handful of salad recipes you rotate through. And you're probably using the same ingredients in your salad that you use for dinner and snacks. There's nothing wrong with being content with your food or maintaining consistent eating habits. There's also a lot of benefits to mixing things up and adding more variety to your diet! There isn't a single food that contains all of the nutrients we need to survive. That's why people have evolved to eat so many different things. Some people estimate that our ancestors ate more than 200 unique ingredients in a single year! Most of us aren't getting any where close to that! Salads are an easy and delicious way to get more variety and nutrition into your diet, while learning to listen to your body's internal signals and understand your own food preferences.

How long will I need to spend on this course each day?

The live video lessons are about 20 minutes long. Of course you're welcome to hang out in the comments after the lesson to chat with me and your fellow salad enthusiasts! The activities for each lesson will take between 30 minute and an hour, depending on how deep you want to go with each activity. Six of the activities are to make an actual salad using that day's lesson as a prompt, so you'll be able to multitask on those days by doing the activity and making dinner at the same time!

I'm terrible at cooking. Will this course be hard?

- Not at all! Even if you've never cooked a thing in your life, you will be able to understand the content and complete the activities easily. Each activity is easy to customize to your skill level. This is a fun, stress-free class! Plus, I'll be inside the Facebook group everyday to give you personalized attention if you need it.

I'm a fantastic cook. Why should I take this course?

- If you're already a pro in the kitchen you'll find the course content to be an interesting perspective on an otherwise very simple dish. The place where you'll receive the most value is in the home work for each lesson. I'm not giving you specific salad recipes to parrot in your own kitchen. You'll receive a prompt related to the lesson that will get your own creative juices flowing so that you can come up with something totally unique! There is a huge, diverse world of salad ingredients out there! Consider this course an intensive on pushing your own creative boundaries in the kitchen!

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Can I get a refund if I decide the course isn't a good fit for me?

- Yes, the course is refundable within 4 days of the start of class if you decide that it isn't right for you. If you are having technical problems with the course, please let me know first so that I can help.